Almond Milk Nutrition Facts
Almond milk nutrition is divided into 4 sections, each equally important. Let’s learn in detail about those sections.
- Carbs – Unsweetened almond milk comes with just one gram of carbohydrate that are known to provide four calories per gram. Thus, 4 of the 30 calories in this milk comes from carbohydrates. However, if you choose to go for flavoured or sweetened varieties of almond milk, the carbohydrates and calories in it accordingly increase. Also, note that one cup of almond milk generally comes with 4-7 almonds, depending on the brand recipe.
- Fats – Almond milk comes with 2.5 grams of fat that comes from monounsaturated fat. Meanwhile, almost 0.5 grams of fats comes from polyunsaturated fat. As we all know, unsaturated fats are known as “good” fats and this is because they have a major role to play when it comes to boosting the level of HDL cholesterol in the blood. Plus, it also boosts heart health. The amount of fat in almond milk sure doesn’t modify substantially based on the flavour you choose to buy. However, brands with higher fat content will sure be creamier, thanks to the higher quantity of almonds used per cup of milk.
- Protein – Almond milk protein has a major role to the play when it comes to helping your body build and maintain muscle. Adequate protein intake helps your bones, cartilage, skin, and hair stay healthy throughout the day. Did you know? One cup of milk provides approximately 8 grams of protein, regardless of its fat content. There are number of brands that offer variations in almond milk with a pinch of vegan protein to delight you with a more nutrient-dense beverage.
- Micronutrients – One cup of dairy product comes with a number of important micronutrients, including daily number of vitamins and minerals requirements. For instance, almond milk offers about 481 milligrams of calcium, or about 45 percent of your recommended daily intake for people who are used to consuming about 2,000 calories per day regularly. Calcium has a major role to play in helping you maintain strong bones with proper muscle contraction and ideal nerve functioning. Plus, all of the calcium content in almond milk is added by the almond milk brands. It also depends on the almond proportion available in almond milk.
As compared to the basic dairy products, one cup of milk offers about 276 milligrams of calcium or about 28 percent of your daily needs if you are one of those whose daily diet includes 2,000 calories.
The benefits of almond milk include boosted metabolism, thanks to the healthy dose of vitamin E. As we all know, Vitamin E is important to shield your body against oxidative stress which eventually boosts your heart health while also keeping various diseases off your body. These diseases include cancer, arthritis, diabetes and many other diseases that can be life threatening to you.