Bing SEO: How to Secure Top Spots on this Search Engine
Despite Google’s dominance in search engines, there are other options. Understanding SEO techniques for Bing can attract even more visitors to your content.
When we talk about Digital Marketing strategies, the idea is to make your pages more relevant, either organically or through paid advertisements.
This is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques come into play, helping your website stand out in search engine results, especially Google.
However, with so much competition for the consumer’s attention and resources, it is necessary to be aware of trends and follow the news to optimize your results.
For this reason, investing in SEO techniques for Bing can be a differential.
Although not as popular as Google, Bing is becoming increasingly relevant and offers some advantages compared to the other market leader.
Want to know all about how you can make your pages stand out with SEO for Bing? In this article, we’ll address the following points:
- How Relevant is Bing today?
- What are the Advantages of Highlighting your Brand on Bing?
- What Should you do to Optimize SEO for Bing?
- What Tools can be Helpful for your Bing Strategy?
- Wrap Up
How Relevant is Bing today?
You may be wondering why you should invest in SEO for Bing. After all, Google dominates 83.84% of the search engine market.
Still, Microsoft’s tool, Bing, has grown a lot in the last few years. In fact, today, it represents 4.57% of searches performed on desktops, tablets and smartphones.
When we refer to searches made on desktops, Bing gains even more relevance: it has 8.59% of the market.
So, not paying attention to your results on this other search engine could hurt the performance of your Digital Marketing strategies.
This job requires constant monitoring of your actions and campaigns to find the best channels to impact users, attract qualified leads, and, of course, increase your marketing results.
Using SEO for Bing can be an excellent alternative.
In addition to investing in paid advertising on Microsoft Advertising, Bing’s equivalent of Google Adwords, highlighting your brand organically is also valid.
This is because many of the optimization techniques to achieve a better ranking are similar to Google’s.
What are the Advantages of Highlighting your Brand on Bing?
Even though Bing’s audience is not the largest in the market, there are some advantages to investing in this search engine.
In the following section, we have gathered some advantages of Microsoft’s tool. Check them out so you can improve your SEO strategies for Bing.
Standard search engine for popular features
Besides being the default search engine for all Microsoft products, which already guarantees a relatively high audience, Bing is also the standard search engine for popular applications such as Apple’s Siri. Not surprisingly, 70% of Bing’s mobile device searches are done on iOS.
Lower bounce rate than Google
Those who work to strengthen SEO for Bing end up standing out on a platform with some important statistics for their business. For example, Bing’s bounce rate is lower than Google’s and more pages are viewed.
Bing’s exclusive users
Not everyone uses Google, and this ends up generating an audience made up of exclusive Bing users. To illustrate this information, 72% of all searches on Bing about finance and business are from users that are not on Google or other search engines.
What Should you do to Optimize SEO for Bing?
So now that you know exactly what to do to optimize your SEO for Bing strategies, here are some important techniques to put into practice.
1. Think about user engagement
Bing assesses user engagement with your page by analyzing pogo-sticking. This term describes a situation in which someone clicks on your website link, takes no action, and returns to the search page.
This is a clear sign of a negative experience. You need to ensure that the user finds content that really connects to what they are looking for to avoid pogo-sticking.
2. Increase the click-through rate on the page after it appears in the results
The click-through rate (CTR) after your page appears in the search results on Bing is another factor to measure the relevance of each website.
With this in mind, make sure that users are attracted to your titles and descriptions, increasing the chances of clicks per view.
3. Use Bing’s Connected Pages feature
For your content to gain more authority in the marketplace and be seen as an authority, using the Connected Pages feature is a great way to show Bing who is behind the content.
Link your website to your Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts so that the tool knows that you are an authority on the subject. Connecting your social channels adds a cohesiveness to your branding, too.
4. Use backlinks
Similar to Google, when thinking about SEO for Bing, you need to consider backlinks in your strategy.
In this sense, investing in guest posts can be a good idea since the mechanism recognizes the importance of relevant websites that recommend your pages.
5. Invest in anchor texts
On Bing, an anchor text also works and has even greater relevance than on Google, requiring you to think of specific references to strengthen your content.
In other words, links that also talk about that topic, matching the highlighted keyword with precision.
6. Use a keyword on the website domain
It’s essential for ranking with Bing to have the keyword on the website domain. So, try to fit it naturally into your domain and move up a few positions in the searches.
7. Produce original content
There is no point in putting all these actions into practice if the content published is not good.
Therefore, it is important to invest in the production of original content, making good use of keywords and reliable sources that corroborate your information and that actually help the user.
8. Be relevant on social media
Another important ranking factor on Bing is the popularity of your pages on social media.
In other words, the greater the engagement of users with content produced by your company, the better your ranking in the search engine.
What Tools can be Helpful for your Bing Strategy?
In addition to optimizing your search engine ranking with SEO for Bing, you need to use other available resources to make your strategies even more efficient.
Check out some free tools that can be very useful for successful planning.
Bing Webmaster Guidelines
The Bing Webmaster Guidelines is a quick and practical guide that will help you learn exactly what to do and what to avoid when it comes to SEO for Bing.
Bing SEO Analyzer
To improve the SEO performance of your pages, the Bing SEO Analyzer is a very useful tool.
All you have to do is insert your link on the website and get some tips on what to improve and how to get better results.
XML Sitemaps
Using XML Sitemaps is a great way to show search engines — not just Google or Bing — what pages you want to index on your website.
This way, the scanning done by the tools becomes more efficient, and the results improve.
Bing Search Quality Blog
Relying on the help of a search engine can be very rewarding. This is precisely what the Bing Search Quality Blog offers: official content with the best practices and trends when it comes to Bing searches.
Microsoft SEO Toolkit
The free Microsoft SEO Toolkit also scans your page and identifies which points should be optimized to improve the ranking of your domain.
Wrap Up
Investing in SEO for Bing should be taken into consideration in your company.
Even if your organization does not have a large team, it is important to find ways to highlight your brand in search engines other than Google.
Now that you know more about Bing and the importance of investing in SEO techniques, read more about the basics of SEO.
Don’t miss our guide with all you need to know about Search Engine Optimization!