
What are the hazards of long-term insomnia? How to treat

What are the hazards of long-term insomnia? How to treat

  1. It will accelerate aging   

According to research, human skin fitness is directly related to sleep state. The color and elasticity of the skin depend on the content and location of melanin in the epidermal cells and the degree of contraction and expansion of the skin’s blood vessels. These are all controlled by the regulation of the neurohumoral endocrine system, and sleep plays a leading role in this. Clinically, it is often seen that patients with insomnia have dark eyes, dark circles under the eyes, dull complexion, stained cheeks, sagging and wrinkled skin, while people who sleep healthy have a rosy complexion, a glowing look, smooth and moist skin, full of youthful vitality. Therefore, adequate and high-quality sleep is the best skin conditioner and beautician.   

2. Insomnia and high blood pressure form a vicious circle   

It is clinically confirmed that some patients with insomnia also have a history of hypertension. In this part of patients, on the one hand, high blood pressure or certain antihypertensive drugs affect sleep; on the other hand, insomnia will aggravate the condition of hypertension, a vicious circle of both. The main clinical manifestations are early awakening, difficulty in continuing to sleep after waking up, or being confused until dawn. At the same time, it is accompanied by head swelling and headache, a feeling of tightness on the top of the head, a sense of tension in the neck and occipital, tinnitus, brain ringing, cheek fire, and irritability. Symptoms such as anger.

  3, induce depression, anxiety and other emotional dysfunction

   Emotional activity functions such as joy and affection are closely related to sleep function and influence each other. In terms of the etiology of insomnia patients with abnormal emotional activity, mental and psychological factors are the main common influencing factors. In terms of the clinical symptoms of sleep disorders, it is often manifested as difficulty in sleeping in bed or difficulty in waking up early, and sleeping more frequently. Shallow and unstable, easy to wake up, fatigue after waking up, etc. Their insomnia at night can cause upset, irritability, irritability, lack of interest, lack of self-confidence and other symptoms of abnormal emotional activities, and these symptoms will exacerbate insomnia at night, such a vicious cycle, intensified.

   4. Make people crazy

  Long-term insomnia can cause people to be unable to concentrate when doing things, and they are prone to anxiety and depression. Even some insomniacs take sleep problems too seriously, worrying that long-term poor sleep will make people “crazy.” Experts explain that simple insomnia will not make people “crazy.” Because people often have misunderstandings about insomnia, the burden of thinking is too large, but insomnia is aggravated. Because “crazy” usually refers to mental illness, and insomnia is just a sleep disorder, and the nature of the two is completely different. Most patients with mental illness can have insomnia in the early stage, which is an early symptom of mental illness, which is caused by the mental illness itself; and in the early stage of mental illness, in addition to insomnia symptoms, there are other mental symptoms, such as hallucinations. , Auditory hallucinations, etc. These are all insomnia caused by mental illness, not mental illness caused by insomnia. Therefore, this concern is completely unnecessary.

  How to treat long-term insomnia

   1. Maintain a normal state of mind and go to sleep

   People with insomnia should not worry too much. The method of closing your eyes and meditation can effectively improve insomnia. This method is to close your eyes after going to bed, and then slightly open your eyes to maintain some contact with the outside world. Of course, mental activity is still working, but the tension of sympathetic nerve activity has been greatly reduced, which induces the human body. Slowly enter a state of drowsiness.

  2, use gentle music to promote sleep

  Music is very important to people. It can relieve stress, cultivate mood, and improve sleep. It mainly listens to music and the noise of electric fans. Compared with other classical music, the music is the most effective in treating insomnia. It can normalize blood pressure and pulse, and reduce nervous tension. But if you are not his music lover, you can also listen to other soothing instrumental music before going to bed. If none of these work, turn on the electric fan, and the monotonous buzzing will make you drowsy.

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